practices help us move from identifying with the ego to identifying with
the soul. Old age does that for you too. It spiritualizes people
naturally.” - Ram Dass
Word(s) of the Week: SPIRIT ENCOUNTERS
Art by Lisbeth Zwerger.
Ram Dass also said, "Treat everyone you meet like God in drag."
have come to believe that all encounters, human and otherwise, are
spirit encounters. Human to human, it is far too easy to slip into
expectations, anticipating certain outcomes, making no allowance for the
fact of spirits meeting - or colliding - and instead simply reacting.
the exterior, applied selves we may fashion to carry our often vastly
different spirits from place to place are the grottoes, the hidey-holes
where we truly live. Spaces secret and safe where there is no reason to
be other than who we are. However deeply hidden, we are always at home
within. It feels wildly essential to me that I try and remember this,
remember that we and our exchanges occupy sacred ground, the conversations beneath, behind the spoken words.
wonder after a night of vivid dreaming in which all visitors feel so
present, whether others share that experience. There have been far too
many of these dreams for me not to believe they, too, are spirit
encounters. People long departed or perhaps merely distant arrive and I
awake knowing we have spent those dreaming moments, during which much
is always revealed, together. There is a sense of needing to send
spirit emissaries to communicate without disguise or armor, that this is
the only realm in which such honesty can occur. That I am capable of
imagining these dreams are more than dreams I freely acknowledge, yet I
know myself to be capable of recognizing the existence of unlikely
events, of trusting what cannot be verified.
spite of loss, pain, terror and occasional defeat, life is the on-going
seance during which we become familiar with magic. As I've been
typing, Hummingbird has visited my window twice, checking to see that
amnesia hadn't overtaken me, confirming that I continue as a student of
its message of joy, lightness and love shared.
Unless otherwise credited, all material posted here, text, illustration or photo, is my own original work, protected by copyright. If you wish to link, which I welcome, please give appropriate credit. If you are interested in artwork, please reach me by email. Thank you.
“i want to think
again of dangerous
and noble things.
I want to be light
and frolicsome.
i want to be improbable
beautiful and
afraid of nothing
as though I had
-- Mary Oliver
"The whole of life lies in the verb seeing."
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
(1881 - 1955)