Friday, March 28, 2014

Spoonflower, my new best friend

Photos, hence the unironed folds, etc., of the fabric pieces as mentioned in yesterday's Facebook post.  Here is a link that may or may not take you to my page or gallery or what-have-you.  They are under the name buttonbunny, which is what I picked without thinking a few years ago when I first signed up.  Good luck trying to go back and change it, though I may still try.  There are a few other patterns of which I have not yet ordered sample fabric but think I will having seen these.  My first attempt, with the computer skills of a right-brained 69-year-old.  It is an amazing world.


Erin in Morro Bay said...

Wow - how fun to see your designs on fabric! Do you have more coming?

Marylinn Kelly said...

Erin - Yes, I hope to. And I hope to get better at the figuring-out part of how to lay out the pattern. xo