I am behind where I want to be, where I thought I would be and this is as good as it will get. Today, April 18, is Poem in Your Pocket Day, part of National Poetry month. Here is the link for a more full view of what I will post below - my understanding of the blogger template, well, I have none, so things that need to be wide show up narrow.
Do not, please. be discouraged by possibly missing The Day, for all that is advocated for the 18th will be true and good on the 19th, 20th and so on, except perhaps public events. The library in Cambria, CA, is observing everything poetry all month long, as reported by librarian
Erin Perry. Kudos.
Tomorrow is Poem in Your Pocket Day.
At this year's annual event, millions of people throughout the United
States will carry poems in their pockets and share them with others.
Make sure you're ready!
1) Pick your poem
Find the perfect pocket poem for tomorrow's celebration by exploring the collection of downloadable poem PDFs on Poets.org.
2) Encourage friends to participate
Help your friends find their own pocket poems and share your experiences from past Pocket Days. On Twitter, help spread the word about Pocket Day by using the hashtag #pocketpoem.
3) Discover Pocket Day events from coast to coast
Get inspired!
Here are some examples of creative ways to celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day from participants throughout the United States.
Each year on Poem in Your Pocket Day, the town of Charlottesville, VA unites in a day-long celebration of poetry spear-headed by Jefferson-Madison Regional Library.
Abrams Publishing Offices, NYC
Shoppers at Mrs. Dalloway's Literary & Garden Arts Bookstore in Berkeley, CA can pick up pocket poems by Bay Area poets.
At ABRAMS Publishing in New York City, staff have plastered poems throughout their offices.
Falcon Heights Elementary School students
Businesses in Ferndale, WA, such
as McKay's Variety, Good Burger, Barb's Pies and Pastries, Find Your
Fashion, Kula Yoga, and Gentle Acupuncture will offer a discount to
shoppers that share pocket poems.
Students at an elementary school in Falcon Heights, MN have celebrated by making their own poem-filled pockets, writing poems in chalk outside the school, and posting hidden poems.
From our Sponsors:
Special thanks to
the partners and sponsors who make National Poetry Month possible:
American Booksellers
American Library Association
National Council of Teachers of English
for the Arts
for being a part of the Academy of American Poets community. To learn
about our other programs, including the annual Poets Forum, visit Poets.org. Poem in Your Pocket video courtesy of Wendy Saz, Jefferson-Madison Regional Library, and www.jonokino.com. Poem in Your Pocket student photo © by Nan Knutsen, Falcon Heights Elementary School. |
Indeed we are - not only Pocket Poetry, but magnetic poetry for kids, teens, adults, and Spanish speakers; several displays of poetry books and audio books and Pop-up Poetry - everyday a poem appears in a new place throughout the library. It's been a lot of fun and people are joining in the spirit of poetry month!
Erin - We would be lost, the world would be a much dimmer place, without you and all our librarians, keepers of the flame. Thank you, thank you. xo
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