From Titus Welliver, DEADWOOD, seen at left: "But
misguided chivalry aside, Adams is a man of his times, smart, crafty
and tough, forward-thinking and bloody-minded. He's uniquely equipped to
serve his own interests and Swearengen's. And as Swearengen's destiny
entwines with that of the town, Adams becomes a key player in a much
bigger picture, whether he realizes it or not." |
We just finished watching the first season of BOSCH, an Amazon original series starring
Titus Welliver and the mean but sunlit streets of Los Angeles. Welliver, see his filmography at the link above, may be familiar from many series and theatricals. I am happy watching my nearest big city, contemporary or vintage, especially when the story involves private detectives, public detectives, lawyers, grifters, liars, mystery and people in power whose motives are suspect, integrity absent: CHINATOWN, THE BIG SLEEP, the short-lived series BOOMTOWN, Michael Mann's HEAT and COLLATERAL, LA LAW, MURDER ONE, any Joseph Wambaugh-inspired project, Shane Black's written and directed feature KISS, KISS, BANG, BANG, THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE, DOUBLE INDEMNITY and such.
Apropos of Los Angeles in the movies, it is reported that there will be a sequel to BLADE RUNNER. There is nothing that can be said about that. *rolls eyes, keeps on typing*
I once interned at a cable tv station, calling it by a name that exaggerates its place in the universe, learning all I could - studio camera, makeup, editing, spot news and on-air reviewing movies. As much as I enjoyed the screenings and preparing my script, I didn't consider myself a good reviewer. In those days I don't think I had a wide enough world view and was likely a bit provincial. I may still be, knowing what I like, able to tell you why, and that's about it. I can tell you that BOSCH is based on the novels of Michael Connolly, which I haven't read, that its fugitive psychopath did not creep me out the way characters do on CRIMINAL MINDS, which I can't watch, and that Welliver plays a thorough, appealing character who is not too formulaic or predictable. And, to me, the photography is spectacular. I feel pride of place when LA gets to shine.