The Babysitter and Melba, art by my sister Laurie. |
Summer becomes fall on September 23. In places that aren't Southern California that could mean quiet lap crafts as the day's light decreases. Hand sewing with bits of scrap is a worthy endeavor with Christmas barely three months away.
Fabric craft on a small scale is appealing work for any season, any locale. I could embroider on a sunny deck overlooking the Pacific, couldn't you? Pocket-sized art can travel anywhere (I'm not sure how they feel about needles and scissors on airplanes, it has been so long since I've flown). There is almost no fabric scrap too tiny to save.
Likenesses of creatures from nature, gumball-headed, pocket-sized stocking-face dolls, wee imaginative brooches, sampler-like geometric shapes, cuddleable companions, close work with good lighting (a must!) may be how we are called pass an evening as the seasons turn.
I would be giddily happy to spend an entire day googling and researching the textile crafts of artists around the world. What a wealth of inspiration, but then so is the sewing basket, the scrap bag. Maybe that flowered shirt can find a new life here. It IS faded in spots, frayed along the placket, would I buy it at a thrift shop? Of course I would, to turn into little stuffed things.
Like Virginia Woolf said, "Arrange whatever pieces come your way."
Could be my motto.
How about you?
Kass - That fits perfectly, in all things. I'm writing it down. xo
Marylinn, it was part of Susan Landry's Virginia Woolf post on Facebook.
Kass - I did watch that but part of me must have been elsewhere. As we say around here, "Must be Tuesday." I DID write it down and now I have it. Thank you. xo
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